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Howto reset offline files in XP and Vista

Windows XP

Method 1

1. In Folder Options, on the Offline Files tab, press CTRL+SHIFT, and then click Delete Files.
The following message appears:

The Offline Files cache on the local computer will be re-initialized. Any changes that have not been synchronized with computers on the network will be lost. Any files or folders made available offline will no longer be available offline. A computer restart is required.
Do you wish to re-initialize the cache?
2. Click Yes two times to restart the computer.
After you have restarted the computer you’ll have a nice clean offline files database and you can start again.
Supporting KB article here :
Method 2
To clean out the database and disable offline files, create a reg file with the following contents :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
and apply the reg file to the system.
After a reboot, the local offline files cache will be empty and offline files will be disabled.  The FormatDatabase dword will be automatically deleted after the reboot.
To turn offline files on again, create another reg file with the following contents :
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Reboot, and offline files will be enabled again

Windows Vista

To reinitialize the Offline Files cache, create the following DWORD registry
value with a value of 1 and restart the system.

Again, any unsynchronized changes will be lost. In addition, any files and folders pinned by means other than Folder Redirection or Group Policy will no longer be pinned on that client.
After the reboot, the FormatDatabase Dword will be gone

© 2008, Peter Van Eeckhoutte (corelanc0d3r). All rights reserved.

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