
Exploit writing tutorial part 3b : SEH Based Exploits – just another example

In the previous tutorial post, I have explained the basics of SEH based exploits. I have mentioned that in the most simple case of an SEH based exploit, the payload is structured like this : [Junk][next SEH][SEH][Shellcode] I have indicated that SEH needs to be overwritten by a pointer to “pop pop ret” and that […]

Exploit writing tutorial part 3 : SEH Based Exploits

In the first 2 parts of the exploit writing tutorial series, I have discussed how a classic stack buffer overflow works and how you can build a reliable exploit by using various techniques to jump to the shellcode.  The example we have used allowed us to directly overwrite EIP and we had a pretty large […]

Exploit writing tutorial part 2 : Stack Based Overflows – jumping to shellcode

Where do you want to jmp today ? In one of my previous posts (part 1 of writing stack based buffer overflow exploits), I have explained the basisc about discovering a vulnerability and using that information to build a working exploit. In the example I have used in that post, we have seen that ESP […]

Exploit writing tutorial part 1 : Stack Based Overflows

Last friday (july 17th 2009), somebody (nick)named ‘Crazy_Hacker’ has reported a vulnerability in Easy RM to MP3 Conversion Utility (on XP SP2 En), via packetstormsecurity.org. (see http://packetstormsecurity.org/0907-exploits/). The vulnerability report included a proof of concept exploit (which, by the way,  failed to work on my MS Virtual PC based XP SP3 En). Another exploit was […]

Spread the word ! nmap 5 released

Insecure.org has released a new major version of the free, open source “nmap” security scanner. (Don’t just call nmap a port scanner – Thanks to many improvements over the last years, nmap has become an excellent security scanner). Visit http://nmap.org/5/ for more information about this new version. Although there are roughly 600 updates in this […]

One for the money, second one for the show…

While I was going through the archive of some ‘funny’ pictures at http://failblog.org/, I suddenly realised that I had encountered something funny a couple of years ago myself, when I was attending Blackhat in Amsterdam. When trying to get some money out of the ATM downtown Amsterdam, I noticed this on the screen of the […]

Free tool : Find out where your AD Users are logged on into

Hi, I decided to release another free utility I wrote a while ago. This small command-line utility can be used to find out where Active Directory users are logged on into, and/or to find out who is logged on on specific machines.  This should include local users, users that are logged in via RDP, user […]

Juniper ScreenOS : Active/Passive clustering

Introduction In this blog post, I’ll show the easy steps to set up a screenOS based active/passive cluster. I’m not going to discuss the configuration of active/active clusters because, in my opinion, this configuration is only needed in rare circumstances and may introduce some weird behaviour issues.  Furthermore, active/passive clusters have been working quite well […]

Backtrack 4 cheat sheet

Download backtrack from http://www.remote-exploit.org/backtrack_download.html. Current version at the time of writing is BT4 Pre-Final.This document is based on BT4 pre-final. Ergo, some of the instructions below may not work with other versions of BT. FYI : An excellent guide about Backtrack4 can be found at BackTrack 4 – The Definitive Guide    1. Installing Backtrack […]

Free tool : Windows 2003/2008 Certificate Authority Certificate List Utility for pending requests and about-to-expire certificates

In one of my earlier posts, I have talked about setting up a Windows 2008 based Certificate Authority/PKI. Once your Windows 2008 CA setup is in place and configured, you can go ahead and starting issuing certificates. But at the same time, you need to put a maintenance/management procedure in place so you can stay […]

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