Exploit writing tutorial part 5 : How debugger modules & plugins can speed up basic exploit development
In the first parts of this exploit writing tutorial, I have mainly used Windbg as a tool to watch registers and stack contents while evaluating crashes and building exploits. Today, I will discuss some other debuggers and debugger plugins that will help you speed up this process. A typical exploit writing toolkit arsenal should at […]
Posted in 001_Security, Exploit Writing Tutorials, Exploits | Tagged !aslrdynamicbase, !findtrampoline, address call, address jmp, aslr, buffer, byakugan, call esp, eip, esp, esp found, findreturn, found valid, hunt, identbuf, immdbg, immunity, jmp, jmp esp, jutsu, listbuf, memdiff, metasploit, msec, pattern_create, pattern_offset, pop, pycommand, ret, return address, rmbuf, safeseh, searchopcode, shellcode, valid return, vista
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