Icons Shortcuts and SendTo items in Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008
Fixing missing icons & shortcuts : Send To “Compressed Folder” is missing : Click Start->Run In the “open” box, type “cmd” (without the quotes) Click ok Enter the following command and press “return” rundll32 zipfldr.dll,RegisterSendto (you should not get any warnings or errors) The first time you are trying to zip, you may be prompted […]
Posted in Windows Client OS, Windows Server | Tagged 2000, 2003, 2008, all-users-send-to-windows-2003, desktop-icon-missing-from-quick-launch-serve-2003, how-sendto-xp-items, icons, internet explorer, internet-explorer-icon-missing-in-xp-quick-launch, lock computer, microsoft-nlb-and-juniper-ssg, missing, send-to-compress-shortcut-missing-xp, send-to-shortcut-missing, shortcut, ssg-nlb, user32.dll, vista, windows-2008-sendto, xp
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