Blog now available over IPv6
I just wanted to share with you that, from this point forward, this blog and forum are now available over IPv6 (it might take a little while before all DNS servers are updated, but it should be fine before the end of the day I guess) If you access this website via IPv6, you should […]
Using Fedora 9 as an OSPF / BGP router (Quagga / Zebra) and set up BGP between Linux and Juniper ScreenOS
In this post, I’m going to show you how to set up a Linux host (Fedora Core 9) and use it as a BGP enabled router. In order to fully understand the setup & configuration, please have a look at this blog post first, because I’ll use the setup in that post as a foundation […]
Juniper ScreenOS BGP Basics : a simple iBGP test case
As explained in one of my earlier posts, ScreenOS supports a couple of ways to provide for dynamic routing. Today, I’m going to explain some basic implementations of BGP on ScreenOS. Unlike my post on OSPF, I won’t be going too much into all the details of what BGP is and how it works, but […]
PHP performance on Windows 2008/IIS7
My discussion forum has been running for more than a month now, and I guessed it was about time to have a look at the performance of the web site. The forum is based on bbPress, uses PHP 5.2.x and runs on a MySQL back end. In my configuration, the entire setup is running on […]
Getting connected to the internet over IPv6 using Juniper/screenos
It started snowing today, so I guessed it would be the perfect timing to write a quick and dirty howto on getting connected to the internet over IPv6, using a Juniper ssg5. I’ll also discuss the easy steps to configure Windows and Linux clients for IPv6 and access to the internet. Before looking at the […]