Using Active Directory and IAS based Radius for Netscreen WebAuth authentication
As most of the bigger players in the firewall market, Juniper/Netscreen SreenOS based firewalls allow you to use/enforce/require authentication for various reasons : Admin login Client VPN Authentication to open a specific rule on the firewall In a default configuration, ScreenOS uses a local user account database for all types of authentication listed above. In […]
Posted in 001_Security, Active Directory, Juniper, Networking | Tagged Active Directory, active-directory-which-rights-for-ias, authentication, firewall-radius-authentication-ad-group-user, group, how-to-authenticate-radius-with-active-directory, ias, ias-radius-pap, Juniper, netscreen, netscreen-and-ias, netscreen-radius-plugin-for-active-directory, policy-conditions, radius, radius-ad, radius-rules-for-ad-authentication, screenos-ldap, vendor specific, webauth-juniper, xauth
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