Cheatsheet : Cracking WPA2 PSK with Backtrack 4, aircrack-ng and John The Ripper
Basic steps : Put interface in monitor mode Find wireless network (protected with WPA2 and a Pre Shared Key) Capture all packets Wait until you see a client and deauthenticate the client, so the handshake can be captured Crack the key using a dictionary file (or via John The Ripper) I’ll use a Dlink […]
Cheatsheet : Cracking WEP with Backtrack 4 and aircrack-ng
I know, there a probably already a zillion number of websites that show how to crack WEP. So I guess this will be website zillion+1 learning how to audit your own WEP security. To be honest, the main reason I’m putting this info on this blog because I just wanted it as a quick reference- […]
Juniper Screenos : Redundant multi-exitpoint ISP routing failover using multiple vrouters, multiple OSPF areas and eBGP
Introduction As you most likely already know, Juniper screenOS supports a couple of dynamic routing protocols (OSPF, BGP, RIP). These protocols can be used to build very powerful and redundant networks, however there are some screenos specific issues with these implementations, and these issues may introduce a little bit of complexity in the design and […]