QuickZip Stack BOF 0day: a box of chocolates
Over the last couple of weeks, ever since I published 2 articles on the Offensive Blog, I have received many requests from people asking me if they could get a copy of those articles in pdf format. My blog does not include a pdf generator, but it has a “print” button, so you can get […]
Exploit writing tutorial part 9 : Introduction to Win32 shellcoding
Over the last couple of months, I have written a set of tutorials about building exploits that target the Windows stack. One of the primary goals of anyone writing an exploit is to modify the normal execution flow of the application and trigger the application to run arbitrary code… code that is injected by the […]
Exploit writing tutorial part 7 : Unicode – from 0x00410041 to calc
Finally … after spending a couple of weeks working on unicode and unicode exploits, I’m glad and happy to be able to release this next article in my basic exploit writing series : writing exploits for stack based unicode buffer overflows (wow – that’s a mouthful). You may (or may not) have encountered a situation […]
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