On CVE-2014-1770 / ZDI-14-140 : Internet Explorer 8 "0day"
Hi all, I have received a ton of questions regarding a recently published ZDI advisory, which provides some details about a bug I discovered and reported to Microsoft (via ZDI), affecting Internet Explorer 8. I wanted to take a few moments to clarify some of the confusion and answer some of the questions in this […]
Corelan Team reply to false allegation made by Kaspersky
Hi, A few moments ago, I was informed about an article on www.securelist.com and the fact that Corelan Team was mentioned in that post. Apparently a researcher at Kaspersky Labs found a piece of text (“You have been owned by CorelanX”) inside a malware sample and concluded that, due to the mere presence of that […]
HITB2012AMS Day 1 – Window Shopping
Window Shopping: Browser Bugs Hunting in 2012 In the last talk of Day 1, Roberto Suggi Liverani and Scott Bell (not present during the presentation), security consultants at Security-Assessment.com, will share the results of some intensive browser bug hunting research, and will drop 5 0days. Roberto starts by apologizing about the fact that Scott was not […]
QuickZip Stack BOF 0day: a box of chocolates
Over the last couple of weeks, ever since I published 2 articles on the Offensive Blog, I have received many requests from people asking me if they could get a copy of those articles in pdf format. My blog does not include a pdf generator, but it has a “print” button, so you can get […]
corelanc0d3r featured on Offensive Security Blog
A few moments ago I published a detailed write-up, explaining the steps I took to build a 0day exploit for a zip file handling bug in QuickZip, on the Offensive Security blog. You can read the article here : http://www.offensive-security.com/blog/vulndev/quickzip-stack-bof-0day-a-box-of-chocolates/
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