Universal DEP/ASLR bypass with msvcr71.dll and
Over the last few weeks, there has been some commotion about a universal DEP/ASLR bypass routine using ROP gadgets from msvcr71.dll (written by Immunity Inc) and the fact that it might have been copied into an exploit submitted to Metasploit as part of the Metasploit bounty.
I’m not going to make any statements about this, but the ROP routine itself looks pretty slick.
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Posted in 001_Security, Exploit Writing Tutorials, Exploits | Tagged aslr, bounty, bypass, chain, corelan, dep, exploit, finding-universal-offsets-immunity, gadget, httpswww-corelan-beindex-php20110703universal-depaslr-bypass-with-msvcr71-dll-and-mona-py, immunity, metasploit,, mscvr-dll, msvcr71, return oriented programming, rop, rop-mona-py, universal-rop-bypass, white phosphorus
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