return oriented programming

Exploit writing tutorial part 11 : Heap Spraying Demystified

A lot has been said and written already about heap spraying, but most of the existing documentation and whitepapers focus on IE7 or older versions.
Although there are a number of public exploits available that target IE8, the exact technique to do so has not been really documented in detail.
Of course, you can probably derive how it works by looking at those public exploits.

With this tutorial, I’m going to provide you with a full and detailed overview on what heap spraying is, and how to use it on old and newer platforms.
I’ll start with some “ancient” techniques (or classic techniques if you will) that can be used on IE6 and IE7.
We’ll also look at heap spraying for non-browser applications.
Next, we’ll talk about precision heap spraying, which is a requirement to make DEP bypass exploits work on IE8.
I’ll finish this tutorial with sharing some of my own research on getting reliable heap spraying to work on IE9.
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ROP your way into B-Sides Las Vegas 2011

Ahh.. Vegas.. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas right ?

With a variety of cons ahead (BlackHat, Defcon, B-Sides, …) there is plenty of things that can and will happen at Vegas. Will you be there to witness & enjoy it ?

Getting to Vegas is just one part of the story. Getting access to one of the cons is the second part, but in case of B-Sides, there are no tickets left anymore.
So, in case you were not able to get one of the free tickets to B-Sides LV, there’s good news !

We have 2 tickets for B-Sides LV (august 3 & 4, 2011)… and we’re giving them away…but not without a little ‘battle’…
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Universal DEP/ASLR bypass with msvcr71.dll and

Over the last few weeks, there has been some commotion about a universal DEP/ASLR bypass routine using ROP gadgets from msvcr71.dll (written by Immunity Inc) and the fact that it might have been copied into an exploit submitted to Metasploit as part of the Metasploit bounty.

I’m not going to make any statements about this, but the ROP routine itself looks pretty slick.
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Mona 1.0 released !

After spending almost 6 months of designing, developing and testing, and after ‘surviving’ 2 presentations (at AthCon and Hack In Paris), I am extremely excited and proud to present, on behalf of the entire Corelan Team, the general availability of

With this announcement, we also declare pvefindaddr officially dead from this point forward. (This doesn’t mean pvefindaddr is now entirely worthless, because not all functions have been ported into mona yet, but we won’t be releasing any updates to pvefindaddr anymore and the entire project page/download page will eventually disappear)
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Hack Notes : Ropping eggs for breakfast

Introduction I think we all agree that bypassing DEP (and ASLR) is no longer a luxury today. As operating systems (such as Windows 7) continue to gain popularity, exploit developers are forced to deal with increasingly more memory protection mechanisms, including DEP and ASLR. From a defense perspective, this is a good thing. But we […]

Hack Notes : ROP retn+offset and impact on stack setup

Yesterday, sickn3ss (one of the frequent visitors of the #corelan channel on freenode IRC) posted a really interesting question. The question While testing ROP gadgets, as part of the process of building a DEP bypass exploit for WM Downloader, he wanted to know if there is a way to predict the required padding needed to […]

Exploit writing tutorial part 10 : Chaining DEP with ROP – the Rubik’s[TM] Cube

About 3 months after finishing my previous exploit writing related tutorial, I finally found some time and fresh energy to start writing a new article.
In the previous tutorials, I have explained the basics of stack based overflows and how they can lead to arbitrary code execution. I discussed direct RET overflows, SEH based exploits, Unicode and other character restrictions, the use of debugger plugins to speed up exploit development, how to bypass common memory protection mechanisms and how to write your own shellcode.
While the first tutorials were really written to learn the basics about exploit development, starting from scratch (targeting people without any knowledge about exploit development) you have most likely discovered that the more recent tutorials continue to build on those basics and require solid knowledge of asm, creative thinking, and some experience with exploit writing in general.
Today’s tutorial is no different. I will continue to build upon everything we have seen and learned in the previous tutorials. Today I will talk about ROP and how it can be used to bypass DEP (and ASLR)…
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We have been teaching our win32 exploit dev classes at various security cons and private companies & organizations since 2011

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