WoW64 Egghunter
Traditional Egghunter An Egghunter is nothing more than an assembly routine to find shellcode somewhere in memory. We typically deploy an Egghunter when there is no more room in our buffer that we can use to initially redirect EIP to. If we are able to load our shellcode elsewhere in process memory, the Egghunter will […]
Death of an ftp client / Birth of Metasploit modules
Over the past few weeks, Corelan Team has given its undivided attention to fuzzing ftp client applications.
Using a custom built ftp client fuzzer, now part of the Metasploit framework, the team has audited several ftp clients and applications that use an embedded client ftp component. One example of such an application is a tool that would synchronize / backup data from a computer to a remote ftp server.
The 3 main audit/attack vectors that were used during the “project” were
send back overly long responses to ftp commands / requests sent by the ftp client to the server
send back a file/directory listing that contains overly long file/folder names
try to download a file that has an overly long filename.
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Exploit notes – win32 eggs-to-omelet
In article 8 of my exploit writing series, I have introduced the concept of egg hunters, and explained what an omelet hunter is and how it works. Today, I want to share with you my own eggs-to-omelet implementation, explain how it works, and how you can use it in a standalone exploit or in a […]
Exploit writing tutorial part 8 : Win32 Egg Hunting
Introduction Easter is still far away, so this is probably the right time to talk about ways to hunting for eggs (so you would be prepared when the easter bunny brings you another 0day vulnerability) In the first parts of this exploit writing tutorial series, we have talked about stack based overflows and how they […]
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