Windows 10 egghunter (wow64) and more
Introduction Ok, I have a confession to make, I have always been somewhat intrigued by egghunters. That doesn’t mean that I like to use (or abuse) an egghunter just because I fancy what it does. In fact, I believe it’s a good practise to try to avoid egghunters if you can, as they tend to […]
WoW64 Egghunter
Traditional Egghunter An Egghunter is nothing more than an assembly routine to find shellcode somewhere in memory. We typically deploy an Egghunter when there is no more room in our buffer that we can use to initially redirect EIP to. If we are able to load our shellcode elsewhere in process memory, the Egghunter will […]
Metasploit Bounty – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
On June 14, 2011 HD Moore announced the Metasploit Bounty contest, offering a cash incentive for specific vulnerabilities to be submitted as modules in the Metasploit Framework. Titled “30 exploits, $5000 in 5 weeks”, a post on the Rapid7 blog lists the 30 “bounties” selected by the MSF team, waiting for someone to claim and submit a working exploit module.
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Hack Notes : Ropping eggs for breakfast
Introduction I think we all agree that bypassing DEP (and ASLR) is no longer a luxury today. As operating systems (such as Windows 7) continue to gain popularity, exploit developers are forced to deal with increasingly more memory protection mechanisms, including DEP and ASLR. From a defense perspective, this is a good thing. But we […]
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