DEPS – Precise Heap Spray on Firefox and IE10
Introduction Last week, while doing my bi-weekly courseware review and update, I discovered that my heap spray script for Firefox 9 no longer works on recent versions. Looking back at the type of tricks I had to use to make a precise spray work under Firefox 9 and IE 9, and realizing that these changes […]
HITB2012AMS Day 2 – Attacking XML Processing
Attacking XML Processing Dressed in a classy Corelan Team T-Shirt, Nicolas Grégoire kicks off his presentation by introducing himself. Nicolas has been asked by a customer to audit some XML-DSig applications 18 months ago and found a number of bugs. This triggered him to do more research on this topic. This technology is present in […]
HITB2012AMS Day 1 – Window Shopping
Window Shopping: Browser Bugs Hunting in 2012 In the last talk of Day 1, Roberto Suggi Liverani and Scott Bell (not present during the presentation), security consultants at, will share the results of some intensive browser bug hunting research, and will drop 5 0days. Roberto starts by apologizing about the fact that Scott was not […]
Exploit writing tutorial part 11 : Heap Spraying Demystified
A lot has been said and written already about heap spraying, but most of the existing documentation and whitepapers focus on IE7 or older versions.
Although there are a number of public exploits available that target IE8, the exact technique to do so has not been really documented in detail.
Of course, you can probably derive how it works by looking at those public exploits.
With this tutorial, I’m going to provide you with a full and detailed overview on what heap spraying is, and how to use it on old and newer platforms.
I’ll start with some “ancient” techniques (or classic techniques if you will) that can be used on IE6 and IE7.
We’ll also look at heap spraying for non-browser applications.
Next, we’ll talk about precision heap spraying, which is a requirement to make DEP bypass exploits work on IE8.
I’ll finish this tutorial with sharing some of my own research on getting reliable heap spraying to work on IE9.
Continue reading →
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