BlackHat EU 2012 – Day 3
Good morning, Since doing live-blogging seemed to work out pretty well yesterday, I’ll do the same thing again today. Please join in for day 3 at BlackHat Europe 2012, in a cloudy and rainy Amsterdam. The first talk I attended today was : “Secure Password Managers” and “Military Grade Encryption” on Smartphones Andrey Belenko and […]
Honeynet Workshop 2011
March 21th I was in Paris for the annual Honeynet Workshop. For the first time this year there was a conference day accessible to the general public. Moreover, I didn’t have to pay the registration fee since I successfully completed one of the Honeynet Forensics challenges. The day was split in 4 sessions and had talks covering the Honeynet projects, malware, and ethical and legal considerations of tracking botnets and eventual take-downs.
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HITB2014AMS – Day 2 – Exploring and Exploiting iOS Web Browsers
iOS Browsers & UIWebview iOS is very popular (according to StatCounter, it’s the 3rd most popular platform used). Mobile browsers take about 20% to 25% of the market share. iOS offers integration with desktop browsers and cloud (so the same data is available to an attacker). Many 3rd party IOS browsers have similar weaknesses which […]