
Jingle BOFs, Jingle ROPs, Sploiting all the things… with Mona v2 !!

Ho Ho Ho friends, It has been a while since we posted something on the Corelan Team blog, I guess we all have been busy doing … stuff and things, here and there.  Nevertheless, as the year is close to filling up 100%, it’s probably a good time to start thinking about finding some convincing […]

HITB2012AMS Day 1 – One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest – Automated Malware Analysis Claudio Guarnieri, senior researcher at iSight Partner, and part of the Shadowserver Foundation and the HoneyPot project.  He works with malware on a daily basis, maintains and is the main developer of the Cuckoo Sandbox, which is also the main topic of his talk. […]

Debugging Fun – Putting a process to sleep()

Recently I played with an older CVE (CVE-2008-0532,, by FX) and I was having trouble debugging the CGI executable where the vulnerable function was located.
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Many roads to IAT

A few days ago a friend approached me and asked how he could see the import address table under immunity debugger and if this could be done using the command line.

I figured this would be a good time to take a look at what the IAT is, how we can list the IAT and what common reversing hurdles could be with regards to the IAT.
Continue reading – the manual

This document describes the various commands, functionality and behaviour of

Released on june 16, this pycommand for Immunity Debugger replaces pvefindaddr, solving performance issues and offering numerous new features. pvefindaddr will still be available for download until all of its functionality has been ported over to mona.
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Honeynet Workshop 2011

March 21th I was in Paris for the annual Honeynet Workshop. For the first time this year there was a conference day accessible to the general public. Moreover, I didn’t have to pay the registration fee since I successfully completed one of the Honeynet Forensics challenges. The day was split in 4 sessions and had talks covering the Honeynet projects, malware, and ethical and legal considerations of tracking botnets and eventual take-downs.
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In Memory Fuzzing

Introduction In memory fuzzing is a technique that allows the analyst to bypass parsers; network-related limitations such as max connections, buit-in IDS or flooding protection; encrypted or unknown (poorly documented) protocol in order to fuzz the actual underlying assembly routines that are potentially vulnerable. Prior to the development of my fuzzing toolset, I was unsatisfied […]

Starting to write Immunity Debugger PyCommands : my cheatsheet

When I started Win32 exploit development many years ago, my preferred debugger at the time was WinDbg (and some Olly). While Windbg is a great and fast debugger, I quickly figured out that some additional/external tools were required to improve my exploit development experience. Despite the fact that the command line oriented approach in windbg […]

Exploit writing tutorial part 6 : Bypassing Stack Cookies, SafeSeh, SEHOP, HW DEP and ASLR

Introduction In all previous tutorials in this Exploit writing tutorial series, we have looked at building exploits that would work on Windows XP / 2003 server. The success of all of these exploits (whether they are based on direct ret overwrite or exception handler structure overwrites) are based on the fact that a reliable return […]

Corelan Training

We have been teaching our win32 exploit dev classes at various security cons and private companies & organizations since 2011

Check out our schedules page here and sign up for one of our classes now!


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