
Offensive Security Hacking Tournament – How strong was my fu ?

Hi, Over the last 2 days my friends from Corelan Team and I participated in a Hacking Tournament, organized by Offensive Security.  The primary goals of the tournament are : be the first one to grab “secret” information from a machine and post it to the Tournament Control Panel. document your findings and submit them […]

Exploiting Ken Ward Zipper : Taking advantage of payload conversion

In the article I wrote on the abysssec.com website, I explained the steps and techniques needed to build a working exploit for Ken Ward’s zipper. One of the main difficulties I had to overcome when building the exploit, was the character set limitation.  I basically could only use a subset of the ascii characters (only […]

QuickZip Stack BOF 0day: a box of chocolates

Over the last couple of weeks, ever since I published 2 articles on the Offensive Blog, I have received many requests from people asking me if they could get a copy of those articles in pdf format.  My blog does not include a pdf generator, but it has a “print” button, so you can get […]

Ken Ward Zipper exploit write-up on abysssec.com

Hi all, I just wanted to drop a few lines to let you know that, earlier today, my exploit write-up article about this vulnerability was published on www.abysssec.com. You can find the article here : http://www.abysssec.com/blog/2010/03/ken-ward-zipper-stack-bof-0day-a-not-so-typical-seh-exploit/ Enjoy !

corelanc0d3r featured on Offensive Security Blog

A few moments ago I published a detailed write-up, explaining the steps I took to build a 0day exploit for a zip file handling bug in QuickZip, on the Offensive Security blog. You can read the article here : http://www.offensive-security.com/blog/vulndev/quickzip-stack-bof-0day-a-box-of-chocolates/

Exploit writing tutorial part 8 : Win32 Egg Hunting

Introduction Easter is still far away, so this is probably the right time to talk about ways to hunting for eggs (so you would be prepared when the easter bunny brings you another 0day vulnerability) In the first parts of this exploit writing tutorial series, we have talked about stack based overflows and how they […]

Exploit writing tutorial part 7 : Unicode – from 0x00410041 to calc

Finally … after spending a couple of weeks working on unicode and unicode exploits, I’m glad and happy to be able to release this next article in my basic exploit writing series : writing exploits for stack based unicode buffer overflows (wow – that’s a mouthful). You may (or may not) have encountered a situation […]

Fuzzing with Metasploit : Simple FTP fuzzer

Just wanted to drop a quick note about the release of another free script. This time I’ve written a simple FTP fuzzer (with a little help from HDMoore) in Metasploit. You can read more about it (and download the script) at http://www.corelan.be:8800/index.php/my-free-tools/security/metasploit/simple-ftp-fuzzer-metasploit-module/ This is why I like Metasploit so much… :-) Update : after running […]

Exploit writing tutorial part 6 : Bypassing Stack Cookies, SafeSeh, SEHOP, HW DEP and ASLR

Introduction In all previous tutorials in this Exploit writing tutorial series, we have looked at building exploits that would work on Windows XP / 2003 server. The success of all of these exploits (whether they are based on direct ret overwrite or exception handler structure overwrites) are based on the fact that a reliable return […]

Exploit writing tutorial part 5 : How debugger modules & plugins can speed up basic exploit development

In the first parts of this exploit writing tutorial, I have mainly used Windbg as a tool to watch registers and stack contents while evaluating crashes and building exploits. Today, I will discuss some other debuggers and debugger plugins that will help you speed up this process. A typical exploit writing toolkit arsenal should at […]

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